What are the requirements to be a foster parent?

If you have an interest in adopting a child in Louisiana, it is a good idea to begin your journey as a foster parent. Many of the children in the foster system eventually become eligible to adopt. This can lead you to the right child naturally while also giving you a chance to become a shining light in a child’s life as a foster parent. To be a foster parent, you have to meet certain requirements.

According to the Department of Children & Family Services, marital status is not a criterion for fostering, but you do have to be at least 21 years old. You also have to complete all the steps of the certification process.

Certification requires that you show you are in good physical, mental and emotional health. You must prove you have space in your home for a child and passbackground checks at the state and federal levels. Part of the certification process is attending pre-service training. You also need to complete a home study. Finally, you will have to provide references.

The Department reviews your certification application and will approve you. Once you have certification, you can then work on finding a child to foster. This could be the first step towards becoming an adoptive parent. You will learn a lot about parenting and yourself through the foster program. It can give you a good look at what it will be like once you adopt a child. This information is for education and is not legal advice.