Splitting up your friend and social groups as you divorce

If you and your soon-to-be ex have been a couple for a long time, you socialize with other couples. You probably have some single people in your friend groups that you’re both close with. A divorce can send a shockwave through these groups. People may feel like they have to choose one of you over the other – or they may avoid both of you completely.

The same can be true even in social circles like country clubs, charities and community organizations. In these cases, if you choose to both remain involved, you’ll need to deal with the fact that you’re likely going to see each other from time to time. For divorced couples without children who don’t communicate as regularly as co-parents, this can be difficult for you and awkward for others.

Do you divide or share?

Likely, some of this division will occur naturally. You may not spend time with the couples you used to. More likely, one of you is closer to one or both of them than the other. The same is probably true with your single friends.

As for social commitments in larger settings, it can be easier to continue with these. However, your membership may have been more one spouse’s idea than the other. Again, you may find yourselves naturally dividing them up. You can work out a buyout of membership dues and season tickets as part of your property division agreement.

If you’ve been major donors as a couple to one or more charities, you’ll also need to consider how you’ll divide your philanthropy. If you’ve made significant pledges, it’s likely best to follow through on those – at least for the first year – before you divide your giving. Charities make plans and promises based on donor commitments, and they need time to get new donors. Again, you can work this out as part of your divorce. Having experienced legal guidance can help. Contact our Lafayette family lawyers today at Southern Oaks Law Firm.