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Does education level really impact divorce?

When you track divorce trends, you can find all sorts of interesting statistics. One that you may have heard is that those with a lower level of education tend to get divorced more often — or, put another way, a higher level of education reduces the odds of divorce. However,

Is there any way for you to complete an affordable divorce?

If there’s one truth that most people accept about divorce, it is that the process is often financially devastating. Not only do you have to split everything you own with your spouse in most cases, but you will also have to worry about the cost of the divorce itself. Much

Should billboards be illegal because they’re so distracting?

How many billboards did you drive by today? In the space of a normal commute, it could be dozens or even hundreds. In some areas, they’re so common that they blend together and you may not even realize how many there are. Have you ever wondered, though, if those billboards should be

Sharing custody? Work through custody issues together

You and your spouse decided that you’d want to share custody following your divorce. It’s what you think is best for your children, and you believe it will make it easier for both of you to work and live more comfortably. When you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse share custody, it’s called joint

How you can help an employee who is going through a divorce

Never bring your problems to work, they say. Yet, if you have ever watched an employee going through a divorce, you know this is unrealistic. Getting divorced is emotional and stressful. So, it is crucial that, as an employer, you offer support to a worker who is going through a divorce. The

2 types of adoptions you should know about

People who are interested in adopting a baby have many options for where they turn for the adoption. One of the decisions they’ll have to make in the process is what type of adoption they want. The two primary types are open and closed. Decades ago, closed adoptions were the more

Do you need a biological dad’s approval to adopt your stepchild?

Dating a woman who is already a mother can mean accepting her children as part of your life in order to share it with her. As time goes by, you may develop deep and meaningful bonds with your stepchildren that you want to honor, possibly through an adoption. If you

Dividing your 401k in a divorce

No matter how prepared you may feel going into your divorce proceedings in Lafayette, trust us here at the Southern Oaks Law Firm when we say that there are bound to be surprises awaiting. Such has been the experience of several clients that we have worked with in the past;

Covenant marriages and divorce in Louisiana

Louisiana is one of several states to offer so-called “covenant marriages.” A covenant marriage essentially requires a couple to go through more steps (including counseling) before they get married and make specific agreements. Covenant marriages can also make it harder to get a divorce. But divorce is still possible, even

Gray divorce related to longer lives

In recent years, studies have found that gray divorce (the divorce of those who are 50 and older) is growing more popular. Since the 1990s, this rate has essentially doubled. Other divorce rates have fallen in that same time. Why is gray divorce so common and even growing more so?