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New tax rules on alimony: Act before December 31st!

It’s finally December and the end of 2018 is soon approaching. With it being the end of the year, there is something changing in the world of divorce law: tax rules on alimony. December 31st, 2018 is the date by when couples need their divorce terms settled before any alimony tax

National Adoption Awareness Month part 4: Adoption tax credit

We’re approaching the end of the fiscal year this December, so we think it’s a good time to talk about the adoption tax credit for Part 4 of our adoption article series. This tax credit is subtracted from your tax liability and isn’t available for any reimbursed expenses. Findlaw states the

3 ways to save on taxes during your divorce

Divorce is, of all things, stressful. It can also put a dent in your finances, and some people are more fortunate than others. For those not so fortunate, or those just looking to save in general during the divorce process, we include three ways to save on taxes and put

List of documents needed for your divorce

As it gets closer to the holidays, the last thing we want you to think about is divorce. But in the event that you already are thinking about it, we encourage you to read further. Most of all, we want you to be prepared so that you have an easier

National Adoption Awareness Month part 3: Open vs. closed adoptions

In the eyes of many, adoption has always had one definition: the taking in of a child that’s not biologically yours and becoming a non-biological parent. The reality of modern day is that the nature of adoption has expanded. By this, we mean that adoptions can be either open or

National Adoption Awareness Month part 2: Your adoption checklist

Adoption is about benefitting the child who needs parents, but it also benefits the parents adopting. It gives these parents a positive and rewarding experience. It’s not a simple process, though, since it involves many steps from start to adoption. FindLaw gives a checklist for those interested in starting the adoption process.

How social media (specifically Facebook) can impact your divorce case

It’s hard to think back to a time where Facebook or YouTube didn’t exist. It’s a solid reality that these social media sites, as well as others, are going to have a stronger presence in our lives and in society in the years to come. Even now, it seems that

National Adoption Awareness Month part 1: Adopted child custody

We’re still in the early part of National Adoption Awareness Month. If you haven’t read our previous article on the cause, we encourage you to check it out. We’ll give you a few minutes to read it. Are you ready? Assuming you said yes, as we can’t read minds or see

Focusing on National Adoption Awareness Month

It’s fitting that it’s in November because Thanksgiving is coming up soon. This is a time of the year where we all express what we are grateful for. Thanksgiving is all about spending time with family, which leads right into the idea of adoption. Families grow and traditions change, sometimes