Smart Solutions. Clear Communication.

National Adoption Awareness Month part 1: Adopted child custody

We’re still in the early part of National Adoption Awareness Month. If you haven’t read our previous article on the cause, we encourage you to check it out. We’ll give you a few minutes to read it. Are you ready? Assuming you said yes, as we can’t read minds or see

Focusing on National Adoption Awareness Month

It’s fitting that it’s in November because Thanksgiving is coming up soon. This is a time of the year where we all express what we are grateful for. Thanksgiving is all about spending time with family, which leads right into the idea of adoption. Families grow and traditions change, sometimes

Louisiana’s child custody laws

No one state is alike. When it comes to the South, family is a huge part of what we do. Louisiana, especially, is a perfect place to observe the family dynamic and a family-focused lifestyle. It’s great when we’re together, but what happens when we’re not? The family philosophy never

What is personal injury and do you have a case?

Personal Injury is something that’s seen everywhere, seemingly on at least one billboard on your drive through any city or town. But what does it involve and what do you need to know about it? There are several types of personal injury cases, as listed by Some common causes for

Are you a victim of divorce manipulation? We want to help.

Manipulation is an animal that can take many forms and lurk in many places. It can take place amongst groups of people, but especially between two individuals. Sometimes it’s harmless and sometimes not so much. To be more specific, divorce manipulation is never pretty. Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group

New divorce law setting the trend: Pets as family members

We’ve talked about property, possessions, and assets in regards to the divorce process. Some items are more straightforward than others. It can be argued that California sets the trend in many ways, even when it comes to state law.  A very interesting piece of news came out on divorce law recently.

Divorce: Temporary restraining orders

Unfortunately violence is a reality of some relationships. The victim of physical abuse in a relationship may not feel like he or she has nowhere to turn or cannot do anything about the situation. Sometimes, fear may prevent the abuse victim from taking any action. Whether this describes you, somebody,

Divorce in a community property state

It’s very possible that, no matter how good you are with money and no matter how good your credit is, you could be at a loss when it comes time for divorce. When married in the first place, partners share finances such as home ownership and bank accounts. One spouse

Grounds for annulment: 4 circumstances

Marriages can end legally either by divorce or annulment. We’ve spent a lot of time talking about divorce, so we should point out the differences between the two.  According to the Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara LLP, the first question to ask yourself is “what type of relationship must two people be